Safeguarding Guidance
‘All adults in school have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.’
Safeguarding children is a priority for our academy. We have clear aims, policies and procedures to keep children safe.
Our Child Protection Policy complies with the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (DDSCP) Child Protection Procedures, and can be found on our academy website.
The procedures place a statutory duty on Shirebrook Academy and adults within the academy to safeguard and promote the welfare of children with due consideration to equality.
Our systems are designed to:
- Prevent unsuitable people working with children and young people
- Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice
- Identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare and give adults in the academy the route for them to take the appropriate action
The systems contribute to partnership working between all those involved with providing services for children which includes our community police officer, school nurse and social care.
The recruitment of staff to the academy is carried out with due regard to the statutory documentation from the DFE ‘Keeping children safe in education' (2018)
Please see below a copy of our Safeguarding Policy for 2024-25.
If you have any concerns about the safeguarding of a young person contact:
The Designated Safeguarding Lead Lindsay Ward (Vice Principal) -
The Designated Safeguarding Lead Lindsey Burgin (Principal) -
or The Safeguarding Officer Emily Ibbotson –
The Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding is Sally Wheatley
The Designated Safeguarding Lead - ACET is Rachel Denton -
Every Child Matters at Shirebrook Academy and all adults have responsibility for safeguarding.
Click on the links below for information on safeguarding the welfare of children and how to keep your children safe when they are online.
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Keeping kids safe - Children, mobiles and the internet
Our Safeguarding Team at Shirebrook Academy:
Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Mrs Lindsay Ward (Vice Principal)
Mrs Lindsey Burgin (Principal) |
Safeguarding Officer:
Miss Emily Ibbotson (Safeguarding Officer) |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Mrs Elaine Wainwright (Assistant Vice Principal) |
Mr Damian O’Reilly (Vice Principal) |
Mr James Edwards (Assistant Vice Principal) |
Please see below useful information designed to support you in keeping your children safe. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to make contact with us.