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Striving for





The ACET Shirebrook Reading Pathway

Reading is an essential skill for so many reasons; firstly, it is a life skill that we use every day and need to have in order to function well in today’s world.   Students are exposed to reading activities every day in school, and need to know how to read to understand different subjects and ideas, and also to achieve well in their GCSEs.  Reading is also about enjoyment, and reading regularly helps with stress, helps us to learn about other people and places, strengthens our memory and concentration skills and increases imagination and creativity.

Every child is different, and it is only natural that each child will have different reading abilities.  At Shirebrook Academy, and across the ACET Trust, we have assessed the reading ability of all of our KS3 students in order to understand the support that they require to continue to progress in their reading skills.  Each student has been assigned a place on the ACET Reading Pathway in order to offer students the appropriate reading materials and activities they require to continue to develop their reading skills and progress.  Parental involvement is a significant factor in the development of a child’s reading skills.  The support we will give to your child and the support you can provide at home is detailed below.

All students benefit from the ACET Shirebrook Reading Pathway.  Students who are currently reading at a level below their age range may struggle to understand reading material in lessons across the curriculum.  That is why it is important that we offer additional support to help students read at the typical level of students of their age and above.  Students who are currently at their expected level of reading also need support to continue to develop their reading skills and vocabulary knowledge, whilst students who are above their actual age in terms of reading ability, must be exposed to books that are appropriately challenging. The ACET Shirebrook Reading Pathway aims to help students to continue to make progress in reading whatever their current starting point.

If you have any questions about your child's reading skills, or would like further information about supporting your child in their reading at home, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Lindsay Ward - Vice Principal, via email -

Information about our reading pathways can be accessed below.  Reading levels are assessed twice per academic year for students in Y7-9 using the New Group Reading Test (NGRT).  Students receive a Stanine score and reading age, which is used to allocate them an appropriate reading pathway.  The ultimate ambition for all of our students is that they can decode, comprehend and read fluently with confidence in line with/above age-related expectations. 

Our reading pathway recommendations include:

ACET Children's Book Award

Olympic Readers

Book Exchange

Carry On Reading Plus

Carry On Reading

Fresh Start and Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention

Children who require additional support in relation to their reading will access reading intervention.  This includes programmes such as Fresh Start Phonics (Ruth Miskin Training), Rapid Plus, Reading Wise and Reading Plus.  Students receive the intervention appropriate for their reading assessment profile and pathway.

Reading Curriculum

Students in Y7-9 have a dedicated reading period each week alongside a focus on disciplinary literacy in all subject areas.  As a Trust, ERIC (Everyone Reading In Class) has been adopted as a strategy to promote the learning and teaching of nine key reading skills across the curriculum in Y7-11.

Student Voice

"Reading is a form of escapism, and it allows my imagination to run free and create fantastical worlds of my own. It also allows me to improve my comprehension of certain words. I also thoroughly enjoy analysing texts and finding hidden meanings within them. I just generally enjoy reading and most areas of it."  Year 9 student 

"I just think that it helps improve your skills in all subjects across school and if you are a confident reader like me, then you find reading a fun subject."  Year 9 student 

"I love reading because it creates vivid pictures in my mind about the book and grows my imagination." Year 7 student 

"I like reading because it is a very calming and relaxing activity - also if you enjoy a book, it encourages you to read more books." Year 8 student